Making Weight Loss Easier to Swallow


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Increased exercise and nutritional diets have been the core of any weight loss program. Surgical procedures such as gastric bypass, and LAP-Band are used to reduce the size of the stomach so you eat less-an invasive process to lose weight. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easier way?

Surgery and diets has not stopped scientist from developing mechanical ways one can shed pounds. Allurion Technologies is developing a medical device to make treating obesity easier to swallow — a pill that delivers a high-tech balloon that E X P A N D S in your stomach to make you feel full. There are various nutritional products on the market that claim “gastric bypass results” (Roca Labs) but a long-term solution from a “device?” I am more than intrigued with how?

The material can expand 200 to 300 times its size, though Allurion’s won’t hit that size. When the treatment is done, the material would be dissolved via an oral solution. So long it doesn’t require a trip to the bathroom, I want to know more.

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Hemp-Based Ice Cream and More



J.P. Licks introduced its second gluten free, non-dairy, vegan ice cream: Hemp-based ice cream. Skeptical of its first flavors, coconut based ice cream, I was curious to find out how they were going to pull this one off. The flavors offered are natural hemp (which tasted like formula), chocolate (which was dry and sandy) and peanut butter (the only bareable one, thanks to the oils and fats from the peanuts).

The ice cream was scheduled to launch on 4/20 a tribute to a date we are all familiar with. However, the hemp-based ice cream in noway gives you the effect that one may think. The hemp products are made from hemp seed, and while the seed is related to Cannabis, it dosen’t have any THC.

To my surprise ice cream is not the only thing going hemp…

Continue for the second segment of the non dairy ice cream saga